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About Off the Block

see it to be it

We believe in empowering children from underserved communities by curating experiential learning events, food, and services for The Robert A Taft Houses Residential Association and other local community groups that share similar missions in getting their kids Off the Block. We Help Our Children Dream of a Better Future.


Our Mission

Break the cycle and shatter generational poverty.

Our Vison

Inspire and Empower kids to achieve their dreams

What We Do

Embracing our "See it to Be it" philosophy, Off the Block harnesses the unparalleled cultural, educational, and natural resources of New York City and the tri-state area. Our highly-curated, immersive, and educational experiences not only broaden horizons but allow the children of The Taft Houses and other local community groups that share our mission, and eventually other underserved communities, the opportunity to witness and engage with the world's richness, empowering them to dream without limits.


Our Community-Based Approach

Our hyper-focused, community-based approach is rooted in collaboration with respected tenant leaders who help establish our trust with the residents of The Taft Houses and other local community groups that share similar missions from day one. By partnering with leading corporate, cultural, and educational institutions in the city and beyond, we’re crafting and curating successful learning strategies that will resonate and foster community with children aged 8-18.


We believe in early intervention; by creating intimate bonds with the children and families of Taft early on, we can have an even greater influence on their lives. Off the Block’s programs promote character development and mutual respect, providing young people the tools to confront and overcome adversity, ultimately changing the trajectory of their lives. By continuing to foster a sense of community, Off the Block programs will not only work to break the cycle of poverty in these communities but can provide a template for success that can be shared and reproduced in similar underserved communities across other NYCHA developments and beyond.

see it to be it.
Total Number
of Kids Impacted
Total Number
of Events Curated

Working With the Best Partners

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